Microsoft Automated Testing Tools

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  1. Microsoft Automated Regression Testing Tools

Apr 29, 2014  Automated Testing in Microsoft Azure Matthew Flatt discusses methods for consistent automated testing to measure the performance of a tool interacting with Microsoft Azure. When working on a tool which interacts with Microsoft Azure and attempting to measure performance, it’s basically impossible to get anything resembling a fair. Experience with automated testing tools like TFS Coded UI Tests preferred. Write automated test scripts using Microsoft Test Manage, Coded UI Test (CUIT).

Whether you are an Enterprise or a Start-up, ZAPTEST will help you test your application the way your customers would use it; and test it fast! ZAPTEST can automate testing against any GUI based application in any environment.

Microsoft Automated Regression Testing Tools


We are saying: 'If you can test it manually - ZAPTEST can automate it!' It allows you to streamline test automation by creating test scripts against live applications, mockups, video scenarios, and even textual references, auto-generate test documentation, and run scripts on all test environments at once.