Crystal Reports Version 9
Crystal Reports 9 Powerful report creation and distribution. Version 9 of Crystal Reports has been discontinued and is no longer available. The closest available substitute for Crystal Reports version 9 is Crystal Reports version XI R2 (11.5). For more recent versions of Crystal Reports, please see the. The same holds true or opening 2008 reports in XI (not sure about 10). However, the format of things in the.rpt file went through MAJOR changes at version 9, so there is no way to convert.rpts that were designed in 9 or later so that they'll open in 8.5 or earlier.
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Crystal Reports Version
Our legacy back office application uses the Crystal Reports 9 run-time engine and one of our customers wants to customise the reports we provide, but cannot now purchase Crystal Reports 9. The problem with this is if they purchase the latest version, the reports generated in the latest version are not backwards compatible and will not work within our application. Do you know if they purchase the latest version whether they can under the terms of the license use the Crystal Reports 9 editor program to modify reports?
Crystal Reports Version 9
As a user/developer of Crystal Reports since version 1.0, I have just one thing to say to Crystal Decisions about the new version 9.0: You've come a long way, baby! Before I delve into this too far, allow me to preface this review by briefly describing how Crystal Reports is used in my IT shop. We are, for the most part, a homogenous Microsoft shop developing only in Visual Basic, ASP and C++ using SQL Server 2000 as our database.