Terkait perkebunan sawit rakyat, produksi kelapa sawit yang dikelola secara swadaya baru mencapai 18 ton per hektar per tahun, angka ini masih jauh di bawah angka produksi ideal yaitu, sebesar 35 ton per hektar per tahun.
TEKNIK BUDIDAYA TANAMAN KELAPA SAWIT (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) BELUM MENGHASILKAN DI LAHAN PASANG SURUT YANG DILAKUKAN PETANI DI KECAMATAN BANGKO PUSAKO KABUPATEN ROKAN HILIR THE YOUNG OIL PALM(Elaeis guineensisJacq) CULTIVATION TECHNIQUE IN TIDAL LANDS MADE BY FARMERS IN DISTRICT OF BANGKO PUSAKO ROKAN HILIR Budi Hartono(1), Adiwirman(2), Gulat ME Manurung(2) Jurusan Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Riau /79 ABSTRAK Oil palm(Elaeis guineensisJacq) comefromNigeria, West Africa. This plant is adominantcropplantationinIndonesia, especiallyin Riau. Common problems of palm plantationsare include in low productivityandquality of production. One of thecauses oflow productivity due totheappliedproductiontechnologyis stillrelativelymodest, rangingfromnurserytoharvest. Oil palm plantations in Bangko Pusako district is a large area of tidal lands especially Bangko Kanan village and Bangko Kiri village that are managed by the Department of Horticulture and by farmers. This study aims to determine the technical implementation of oil palm (Elaeis guennensis Jacq) cultivation in tidal lands are held by non-government in Bangko Pusako, Rokan Hilir.