Bass Pro Xps 5 5 Battery Charger Manual

Posted on  by admin

I've got 3 of the Guest 2 bank chargers and they are good. I think my batteries are skipping out on me, because every one of my batteries is reading something different while they are plugged up.

I have a Bass Pro XPS onboard charger that when I plug it in the lights just start blinking. I cant get it to charge. Anyone else had this problem? Ive had the charger for less than a year. Its the smallest one available, i think its 5 amps, single bank. Tai lol 2017.

Bass Pro Xps 5 5 Battery Charger ManualXps battery charger

Revelation 5:5

Bass Pro Xps 5 5 Battery Charger Manual

5'5 In Cm

But a part of me thinks the chargers might be blinking out too As far as the minn kota - don't know. A buddy just sent his portable minn kota charger back to them this week. It was telling him his batteries were fully charged, but they were only charged to like 12.5v. He took one of the batteries to the parts store, they tested it and the readings said the battery was good but needed charging. I took him my portable chargers and they all charged up to 13.6v. Have you disconnected it recently?

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Bass Pro Battery Charger Manual

The reason I ask is I just put my batteries back in my boat about 2wks ago and was having issues with my XPS not charging and the lights not coming on. I asked around here and was told to call BPS. I did and the guy their had me check the wiring and wouldn't you know I had a negative (yellow) wire on the positive side. Luckily nothing was damaged and the charger is working fine now. This is my first on board charger that came with my boat so I didn't have the manual for wiring. I must have thought I removed it from the positive side when I took my batteries out.